The way our families take care of their deceased loved ones is changing, all over the country, but specifically the DFW area. People are realizing that it doesn’t take a second mortgage to plan and carry out the final wishes of a deceased loved one. As the cost of traditional burial services average now over $12,000, families are learning that it doesn’t have to be so expensive. More and more families are choosing cremation. The ratio of traditional burial services to cremation has been very fluid over the past few years, now settling around 50 percent. More in some parts of Texas, significantly more in other parts of the country. With so many cost conscious consumers, yes cremation is certainly a lesser expensive alternative; but, might surprise many to learn that cremation may allow for more choices and conveniences as well.
Some of these conveniences are time, and schedules-as they relate to family demographics. With the explosion of social media, families can work together to plan a fitting memorial tribute for their deceased loved one from anywhere in the world. In a recent survey of DFW metro area families, more often, cremation seems to be the preferred choice; especially with more learning about the convenience, cost, and flexibility of internet or on line cremation. As a recently served family member expressed “on line cremation saved our family. As busy as we are…work, family lives, etc., things didn’t have to come to a screeching halt when Dad passed away. Everything was handled conveniently on line, allowing for flexibility and especially cost consciousness.” There are many advantages to internet cremation. Any services a traditional funeral home could offer a family that chooses direct or immediate cremation, are also offered by on line or internet cremation services at a fraction of the cost. Why should grieving families have to pay for a proportionate share of overhead to the traditional brick and mortar funeral homes when they are not requesting any services that should include those charges? On-line or internet cremation will save families hundreds, in some cases thousands of dollars.
For the cremation family that feels the need for a memorial tribute of some kind, note that the law does not require licensed funeral home staff to be present for these types of services. In most cases, families will work with their churches and Pastors in the planning of a fitting tribute for their loved one, and in doing so, saving themselves hundreds of dollars. The cost conscious consumer owes it to their family to look into the idea of on line cremation.